Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Harlan Hubbard shantyboat model

This model has been close to being done for a few years.  I guess it took time for me to come to terms with the fact that it could not be a 'perfect' scale model.  I had the hull made by a man who did a board by board professional job building the hull Harlan described in Shantyboat.  But he put an inside wall in the wrong place, completely left off the between deck exterior storage, added a hatch on the front deck which was not pictured or described, and completely missed my instructions about the bed box which was put on castors during the day so that it could be pushed under the front deck when not in use.  In small spaces, such details are important.

After I did a lot of scraping with a bee hive tool to remove boards heavily secured using a hot clue gun, finally injuring a my hand and requiring stitches,
I had to accept I was not capable of completely changing the boat.  But I did a lot to make it appear like the shantyboat it was.  Not a pristine toy, but but a lived in home where two people where industrious, adventurous, and happy.


  1. Wow….I didn’t know you had this talent ❣️❣️
